Te mōhiotanga me te tūtei i ngā mate hōrapa

Infectious disease intelligence & surveillance

We provide intelligence on notifiable diseases and other serious health threats, such as influenza and antimicrobial resistance.

Health Surveillance (1)



ESR undertakes surveillance of notifiable diseases in New Zealand and manages the national notifiable disease database (EpiSurv) on behalf of the Ministry of Health. You can read more about EpiSurv on our health information systems page.


The purpose of surveillance is to provide information for action. Information provided by regular surveillance reports enables effective monitoring of rates and distribution of diseases, detection of outbreaks, monitoring of interventions, predicting emerging hazards, and diseases linked with climate change. 

This webpage hosts all our public-facing surveillance reports and dashboard about key infectious diseases in Aotearoa New Zealand. Reports include analyses and interpretation of surveillance data, primarily for notifiable diseases, influenza and sexually transmitted infections. See below our monthly and annual surveillance reports, annual summary tables (tier 1 statistics) and reports grouped by key focus topics. 

We currently publish six main dashboards with regular updates to data: 

Visit our methodologies page to learn more about what goes on behind some of our dashboards.  

Surveillance reports

We welcome the use of our surveillance data with the following acknowledgement:

New Zealand surveillance data provided by ESR, funded by the Ministry of Health with the cooperation of the diagnostic laboratories.


How to report a notifiable disease

How to report a notifiable disease

Most notifiable infectious diseases are reported through EpiSurv with copies of the case report forms available on the EpiSurv help site. However, there are some exceptions for reporting sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Some non-infectious notifiable diseases are reported to Otago University. Read on for more detail.

Instructions for notifiable diseases not reported through Episurv

Clinic and laboratory-based STI surveillance


Frequently asked questions

Which diseases are notifiable in New Zealand?
Which notifiable diseases are reported by ESR?
Where can I find out more information about specific diseases?
What data is collected for notifiable diseases?
How is notifiable disease data collected and reported?
What quality processes are applied to the data collection and reporting?
Where can I find reports that include notifiable disease data?
When is the next release of notifiable disease statistics due?
Why is the number of historical cases published in this year’s report different to the numbers previously published?
What role does ESR have in outbreak surveillance?
What is EARS?
Where can I get further information if I still have questions?